Yesterday late in the night i decided i had had enough of wasting time , so i thought of utilizing my precious time by watching a movie. Trust me i have watched every single hindi movie that has been released during the past 8 to 10 weeks , so i was undoubtedley in mood for something non-desi. Unfortunately, I had only two unwatched hollywood flicks on my system , 'The mummy something' and 'Quantum of solace' , latter being my obvious choice.
So, I sat down under my 'rajai' with a packet of 'hide n seek' on my ultra 'luxurious' chair.First 15 or so minutes of the movie were full-on action , bam here n a dhish there ! , but i was patient and held my nerve hoping against hope that sometime soon i will understand as to what was going on. Finally some peace , but not for long , fighting again , a chase , and suddenly Bond was in some diffrent country , more killings , another chase , a car blown up , some talking ( god knows about what ) , more chases , several boats blown up . This was pretty much the first half of the movie , all i could gather was that i had seen an actress which resembles the ravishing French beauty 'Audrey Tautou' of the Da vinci fame, yes she was also in the NFS carbon thingy.
Second half more or less acted like a bed time story for me , until there was actually a bed scene which waked me up a bit. This time there was this new girl , i don't know her name but she was pretty hot too.Action continued , senseless parties and aimless chasing ,baseless arguments ,enough material to send me or anyone for that matter into a semi-concious state. I felt i was watching the "Matrix Revolutions" without watching the "The Matrix" . All in all , i do recognise who the real villain was , i do recognise the two actresses but both had familiar faces , rsembling Audrey , but apart fromt this God and the makers only know, what the movie was all about.
I hope somebody who has or will watch the movie , will want to help me pinpoint what exactly i missed.
"A Must Watch"
IMDB : 7.1
This happened with me in pulp fiction. I never understood any part of the movie. Somehow it happens to be among the top rankers on IMDB. Nice factual review ;)
true , in pulp fiction i couldnt understand the first 30 mins or so , but finally i found my way in . Yeh to lawl movie hai , srsly , no sir no leg.
i never liked pulp fiction either. But every1 i discuss is with is a huge fan.
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