In memory of those , who were mercilessly murdered during the Mumbai siege.
As the majority of the country , I also followed the complete Mumbai Saga. Everyone knows what happened, everyone knows why it happened and i am dead sure many of us will agree , such things will continue to happen. We are all blaming someone or the other , and trust me there is no end to this blame game.
Today i was watching same ol' Times Now ( only sensible channel in my opinion ) , the operation was already over , and they were interviewing all those involved including politicians and NSG commandos. I couldn't help but notice Mr. Deshmukh ( CM Maharashtra ) and one of his ministers addressing the press and giving their speech in Marathi. I was shocked , i mean this is supposed to be a national tragedy , the whole country is watching and you are giving interviews in Marathi which majority can't even understand.
What should one infer from this ? What is he trying to convey by intentionally doing this ? Why doesnt anyone ask him to speak in the national language , so everyone can understand him ?
These were some of the questions that came to my mind , especially after hearing things about united India , India is one and so on. And above all noone is noticing ( don't tell me that he doesnt know Hindi ) .
Another point i noted was the communication skills of our so called NSG commandos . Undoubtedly , I respect them from the core of my heart and salute their bravery, but still what i saw and heard was completely diffrent from what i had imagined. I was expecting them to be educated people but when i saw them answering questions , the way they were responding was a clear indication of the kind of education they had received. I mean, they are commandos for god's sake , one expects them to be diffrent from normal policemen or normal armymen. I still dont understand how the authuroties teach them to use high tech equipment ,or handle pressure situations when they dont seem to have the requisite amount of education.
I am sorry but i couldnt help comparing them with the US commandos and all. Indian authorities may as well consider training monkeys to be commandos .
Once again , this is just the way i percieved things , no dirrespect watsoever meant to anyone or anyone's feelings.
Jai Hind
"Indian authorities may as well consider training monkeys to be commandos ."
I didn't like this article. A massive tragedy has taken place and all you have to offer is your judgment on communication skills for these commandos. The only skill they should have learned is their fighting skills which they have. Their inability to communicate does not disregard the fact that they are the ones giving there lives on battlefield.
armymen n policemen do so too , all i meant was one expects them to be diffrent from the normal guards.
Hope u have seen the us black cats n all .
I think comparing the defense and police force of any two nations is not justified . I barely understand what u require from a comando , is it the communications skills or the fighting skills .. later being imperative i believe Indian NSG has abundance of it . US has a different format of education and recruitment rather every country has one..
Its general perception that if one speaks in 'English" then he is educated . US and UK have English as their naive language and even beggars there beg in English !
Coming back to ur post .. CM speaking in marathi clearly shows how the "marathi manoos " think has deer rooted in them ! just ask the MNS y they didnt protest and the NSG were flown in from New Delhi , Haryana and UP.. NSG people were "outsiders" .. y were they allowed to enter Maharashtra ??
Double standards is that they have .Look at the US , after 9/11 they didnt have even a "gun fire" on their soil .. because there was a political will .. here people just have a vote bank will , just one aim how to get more votes and have a "good" life on the tax payers money ..!
India needs a revolution , a great movement which would shake both the political and social system.
If this is our 9/11 then lets fight it like the US.
PS- This is more of a post that a comment :)
"one expects them to be diffrent from the normal guards"
yaar this is India yaha the only solution is expect nothing.
Still India is far betr than her neighbours. pak where majority is illiterate sends the only literate one to kill innocent ppl over here.
and others(China) provide arms to countries like pak.
nice work though...
there are ranks among commandos as well and many of them are of low ranks such as 'hawaldars', so its not wise to compare them with the us commandos or for tht matter question their skills..and i am sure your perception of US commandos is largely based on the rosy picture they show in their flicks..not all will communicate well..they are good at their fields ,not mass communication.
anyways i salute them too!!
Well said Aayush. I agree .
well opinions do vary , in my opinion communication skills give away a lot about ur thinking skills , the language doesnt matter here be it hindi english , punjabi , haryanvi.
It can be used to some extent to measure one's intellegence , bravery is a diffrent issue altogether , i think commandos if they r meant to be used in special situations should also have special capabilties which i dont feel the NSG men had.
All i wanted to convey was that, they need to be improved , n thr should be some min educational criteria b4 u can become a commando.
To every-one who feel's that NSG has succeeded in defeating the main purpose of T's @ mumbai, well I say u can't get more 'R-tard'.
As far as comparing NSG with US SWATS or UK SAS goes, I feel sush is right. Look at us, we are the next superpowers? Are we?
Eat this for a fact: NSG MARCOS was 'the last line of defence' after that India was f*****. 10 T's and 60 NSG, 2000 Cops, 1000+ army men all failed to neutralize them. I want to write more but I guess I shud do it on my blog...but I totally agree wid sush, I mean WTF is going on?
seriously its a very gud topic chosen by sush ... well i think the solution to this problem is way more complicated that it looks. The clandestine operations of terror are acclivating with the same rate as the bank accounts of our politicians. Its very hard to compare our NSG to US marines. Look wat has happened to "KARKARE" ,in my opinion the politicians like MO*I had already killed him by raising doubts over his integrity..
I think we have to flush the whole system in order to improve the our security conditions..who knows today it is TAJ , tomorrow it might be ASHOK ...
I dont think the sol is so easy as u quote , flush the system ? huh ? u sound as if its synonymous to flushing a toilet.
Till the time one would expect the so called system to be flushed , it would be too-late , the economy would already be shattered.
Some ppl say attack pakistan , o yea thazz a solution coz they r providing shelter , finance n literally everything , but dont forget pakistan is a nuclear power.
To conclude no doubt, we need to strengthen security at all levels, the bigger issues concern as to how you can stop countries like pakistan hu provide shelter to terrorists frm doing so.
Perhaps an economic pressure on such nations might help our cause.
read the first two lines of my comment..
i metaphoricaly used this statement as in we have to get rid of our inept security policies and the persons behind them. We need a more dynamic and gallant leader someone lyk Obama or Rahul Gandhi..
Pakistan is just a medium or lyk a base for the terrorist organizations,, the real problem is how easily the terror outfits influence juvenile boys to do such sadistic acts without remorse. The problem is in beliefs,, unless and until these young minds are guided and nurtured in benevolent manner,, more and more "JEHADIS" will be spawned ... [:(]
Well, i think the issue here is not the lack of communication skills of NSG commandos. If they know how to use their sophisticated weaponry and how to follow orders, I believe its more than enough qualification for them.
I however think that the issue here is the same issue that comes up every time there is an attack on our nation : we tend to become lax very quickly after such attacks, and its not just our police force. This behavior is deep rooted in us Indians. How many of us actually look under our seats when we board a bus? Why aren't we properly frisked before entering a cinema hall or a mall? Why don't landlords register their tenants in police stations ? Why don’t people do a background check on their servants? Why didn’t the coast guards actively check all incoming ships? Why weren’t the details of the hired hotel staff properly verified? Why?
The policemen are not a different category of people. They are normal, sloppy Indians not very different than us.
But this slackness on our part is what is causing us all this trouble. What is required is a revolution. The whole security structure needs to be revamped.
At the root of all this is our political structure. Here the issues are not national security and integrity but rather caste based reservations, "hindu terror", Ram Mandir and anti-North Indian policy to name a few.
The "Senas" (Shiv, Maharashtra Navnirman, VHP) go about kicking and beating people for celebrating valentine's day as if they have resolved all other problems faced by India. These very "karsevaks" are nowhere to be find when there is a national emergency.
India has got problems on every front. On each of the border, be it Pakistan (CBT), China (Arunachal Issue) or Bangladesh (Insurgency), India has an situation to resolve. Add to it the Naxals, maoists and all the "liberation fronts". With all this and so much more happening in India, all the politicians can come up with is allegations and counter allegations. The political system is so screwed that even after agreeing to come to Mumbai together, Advani and Manmohan Singh could not put aside their differences for one day and actually realize their agreement.
The state of India is such that the pay commissions get the parliament's nod in the blink of an eye because the people who benefit are part of this system. The army majors and captains are however not included in the list of beneficiaries. 21% hike for central government employees every few years and when the issue came up of Rs 1500 hike for army jawans our leaders vehemently protested as to why did the jawans deserve such a luxury.
Most of the time, after a terrorist attack, Indian investigating agencies make no real progress. And whatever few times it does make progress, one factor or the other stalls it. The Indian government, for some reason, does not want that Afzal guru, one of the accused for December 2001 attack, be hanged even though the supreme court has already sentenced him for death. Such inaction leads to hijackings like IC-814 where in the terrorists demand release of other terrorists in return for the release of some hostages. When the police actually does something and goes ahead in making arrests and encounters and even lose men doing this, some people question the integrity of such operations calling them "fake encounters"(Batla House) . When our security agencies makes some headway into a blast case(Malegaon), the political parties claim it to be "a plot of Indian Government to frame some Hindus to gain political mileage among Muslims". I wonder how these parties know for sure that the accused actually did not do anything and are being framed. I mean did they run a parallel investigation and reach such a conclusion. No. Such conclusions are often based on the mindest : "There is no Hindu terror". Since when did terrorism have a religion?
First, The intelligence Bureau of India really has negligible "intelligence".
Second, Every security agency is slack. Terrorists manage to reach wherever, whenever, with whatever they want.
Third, terrorists usually manage to escape after carrying out these operations. The agencies usually have no clue where to begin the investigation. And most of the time, the maximum progress they make is tracing "the cyber café from which the terror mail was sent to the news channel" which is basically nothing more than checking email header for an IP and putting it on google for details of location.
Fourth, the previous attack gets completely forgotten by a fresh attack. The agencies put all the files in locker and start new investigations.
Fifth, the infrastructure for security is a complete joke. The policemen stand in front of terrorists( who carry AK-47s, bombs) with a service revolver in hand and no bullet proof jacket on chest. (As mnm mentioned) for every little operation the last line of defense 'NSG MARCOS' needs to be called.
An article on Times of India's website says
"An agency like the IB spends most of its resources to gather political intelligence for the ruling party. Most appointments at the highest level in the security establishment are politicized, which explains the lack of accountability. This country has witnessed scores of terror strikes since the 1980s and in the past three years alone, over 800 people have died in terror attacks. But not one public official in India has had to resign after a terror strike. Should security bosses, including the home minister, national security adviser and heads of agencies like RAW and IB, be so secure in their jobs when security personnel and civilians risk lives for their failures? "
We have had enough of piecemeal action and ineffective rhetoric. Wake up to the enormity of the challenge and act now.
PS: about the Marathi speech thing, I think that the speech was meant primarily to comfort the Mumbaikars who have faced such drama and so Marathi, and not Hindi was the better medium to comfort them.
I think messi needed his own blog for this comment..
anyways, i think he has done the painstaking job of all the points which each individual thinks but is too lazy to jott down.. :)
What has been witnessed write here on this blog is the way diffrent individuals percieve a simple observation.
@ Messi := Well said but honestly, i dont blv there is any excuse watsoever for speaking in marathi. It is a national tragedy, its not only the mumbaikars that have faced this drama,they were not the only ones who were traumatized , whole nation faced it ,ppl from diffrent parts of the nation and world were murdered when you r giving out the actual statistics, the actual status of the operation, atleast then u can go hindi, so everyone understands what is going on officially. It's the whole nation that needed to be comforted , nt jst a bunch of mumbaikars , i perceive it as vote politics n ntn else .
And well , i would not like to comment further on the commando thing, maybe i need to edit the post to make my point more clear , just i feel so many of them wouldnt have died and operation might have been little quick , had thr level of professionalism and sophistication been anywhr near the SWAT's n all.
Rest everything you wrote concerning the solution and root of the problem is bang on. And i expected everyone to already know all of that. Peple who have talked about revolution came n went, and its human psychology to get attracted towards petty gains and noone cares about the bigger picture except for a bunch of educated nerds.
PS : do u really think there can be a revolution in a country where a guy is not sure if he will earn enuf to buy a single meal for him and his family tomorrow ? How do u plan to wipe out corruption when poverty is at its peak ? List will go on . By the time we would be able to change whatz in the country , the country would be already defaced. What we need are immediate measures, and a revolution is definately not on the cards any time soon. Trap the fuckin countries which are promoting all this , isolate them economically and socially . Pakistan's economy is already bankrupt , and they will surrender to the slightest economical pressure applied to them by the global community.
well friend i find your - "Indian authorities may as well consider training monkeys to be commandos ." very offending.
what good are the commandos if cant use modern weapons BUT COULD SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH !!
my point is the men know their job , they are putting their lives at stake.The terrorist had planned this attack 8 months before , they had the whole layout of the hotel on their finger tips, while the commandos had few hours.
If you want to blame anyone , blame the WHITE COLLAR ones, who sit in their posh houses and after the army completes its mission they come out to take credit..m***** f**ers !!
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